

On the 25th 26th 27th of January we had our first tennis Tournament. It included all ages from 6 to 18 years old. It was the first in a range of prestigious Tournaments to be hold at our club during 2013. There was great participation and support at a very high standard in all categories. Some of the players are regional and national champions, including Daniel Salazar y Jose Antonio Arcos. Tennis “Bel air” got the chance to have in the final 3 of her young players of the Club: Victoria Gomez, Marija Povilionyte y Leah Gomez.   The winners and the finalist are as follows:     Benjamín Masculino:                            David Salazar a Pablo Arcos 4/2 5/3 Alevín Masculino:                              Jose Antonio Arcos a Thomas Brun 6/2 6/1 Infantil masculino:                             Mohamend Ziadri a Ernesto de Haro 6/2 3/6 10/6 Cadete masculino:                             Robbie Marshall a Carlos Méndez 7/5 3/6   10/8 Benjamín femenino:                          Eva Marcus a Victoria Gómez-Barrio 5/3 4/0 Alevín femenino:                               Leah Gómez-Barrio a Sofía Troyano 6/0 6/0 Infantil femenino:                              Mary Pesare a Loreto Villalba  6/2 6/2 Cadete Femenino:                             Paula Palomo a Marija Povilionyte  6/1 6/1 INFO@BELAIRTENNIS.COM